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Martes, Pebrero 5, 2013


Nathan Harper (Taylor Lautner) is an 18-year old teenager living in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with his parents Kevin (Jason Isaacs) and Mara (Maria Bello). He has been troubled by recurring nightmares, and has been seeing psychiatrist Dr. Geraldine "Geri" Bennett (Sigourney Weaver) to diagnose them. At school, Nathan is teamed with Karen Murphy (Lily Collins) for a research project on missing children. Karen discovers a website that uses age-progression technology to see what a child would look like as they get older. Nathan uses a photo of Steven Price and finds the resemblance to himself uncanny. Worried, he goes back home and looks through his childhood possessions and finds a shirt that matches the one in Steven's photo. He attempts to make contact with the operator of the website with Steven's picture to learn more. While waiting for a response, he finds more oddities about his childhood, including that his parents only appear to have a handful of pictures of him growing up. When he approaches Mara about this, she emotionally reveals that he was adopted. While Nathan angrily returns to his room, two men, claiming to be from the FBI arrive. Mara immediately attacks them, but soon is shot by one of the men. Kevin, alerted by the battle, subdues one of the men, but is killed while telling Nathan to run. Nathan runs but returns for Karen, who is now captured by the remaining agent. Nathan rescues her and demands the agent explain who he is. The agent agrees to talk but says there's a bomb in the oven. Sure enough, there it is, with 8 seconds left. Nathan and Karen race outdoors and are blown into the pool, which saves them from the enormous explosion. Nathan takes Karen to the hospital for a minor cut, while he attempts to contact the police. Instead, his call is intercepted by CIA operative Frank Burton (Alfred Molina), who tells Nathan he is in danger and will send two men to collect him. As Nathan waits, Dr. Bennett appears with a bunch of balloons, and helps him and Karen to escape without being seen by the security cameras. In her car, Dr. Bennett explains that Nathan's biological father, Martin (Dermot Mulroney), stole an encrypted list of 25 corrupt CIA operatives from the Serbian terrorist Nikola Kozlow (Michael Nyqvist); Kozlow now plans on abducting Nathan to coerce Martin to hand over the list. Nathan has been purposely given to his adoptive parents to hide him from Kozlow, but his identity was revealed after using the missing child website, a ruse created by Kozlow. Dr. Bennett gives Nathan an address to a safe house in Arlington, Virginia, and tells him to trust only two others, his father Martin and a man named Paul Rasmus. She provides a distraction from Kozlow's men who are following them to allow Nathan and Karen to escape. Meanwhile, Burton is warned by his superior to end the situation as soon as possible once he learns of Bennett, a former CIA operative, being involved. Arriving at the safehouse, the two regroup, and find money, a gun, a photo of Nathan's biological mother Lorna Price (Elisabeth Röhm), and a cell phone. After learning that Lorna has died, Nathan and Karen pay a visit to her grave, and are surprised to find fresh flowers there. Karen sweet-talks the graveyard attendant to reveal the sender, a Paul Rasmus who lives in Nebraska. Knowing that they would be stopped at an airport, the two take to a passenger train to get there, using fake IDs provided by their friend Gilly (Denzel Whitaker). They are unaware they are followed by Kozlow's right-hand man aboard the train. He abducts Karen as she goes for food, and when Nathan finds her absent, is able to defend himself from his attack. Nathan gets the upper hand using fighting techniques from his adoptive father, and subdues the man, and then pushes him out from the train after taking his cell phone. Nathan finds Karen safe but soon the train abruptly stops due to the CIA. The two take off on foot but soon surrounded by Burton and his agents. Burton offers a meal at a diner to the two while he discusses the situation with them, all the while other CIA agents are posted as guard. Burton explains the data that Martin had stolen, and Nathan realizes that the phone from the safehouse contains that data; he also further surmises that Burton's name is on that list. As Burton tries to play that off, the agents are attacked by Kozlow's snipers. In the distraction, Nathan and Karen take off in a car before they can be caught. As they flee, the cell phone from Kozlow's man rings. Nathan finds Kozlow on the line, who warns him that he will kill Karen's parents if Nathan does not hand over the data. Nathan gets Kozlow to agree to make the transaction at a public event, at a Pittsburgh Pirates baseball game. During this call, Nathan realizes that he had witnessed his mother's death at Kozlow's hands when he was 3, the source of his nightmares. Nathan works with Gilly to arrange the tickets, including securing a hidden gun to one of the seats with the intent to kill Kozlow himself. As he enters the stadium, Martin calls him and warns him off, but Nathan refuses to listen. Meanwhile, when Kozlow arrives, Karen, in hiding, takes a photograph and sends it to Nathan so he can recognize Kozlow. The two meet, sit and watch the game. Kozlow tells how Nathan's biological mother died. Kozlow grabs the gun when Nathan is distracted and demands the list. Nathan bolts, Kozlow chases, and the CIA sees them in the crowd. Nathan is able to escape, and Martin, calling again, directs him to lead Kozlow to the south side of the park. Kozlow eventually catches up with Nathan but before he can kill the boy, Kozlow is killed by Martin, using a sniper rifle from a nearby parking structure. Burton, his superior, and the rest of his agents soon arrive, taking away Kozlow's body. Burton asks for the cell phone, promising to give the decrypted results to his superior; however, Martin had warned his superior about Burton's corruption, and takes the phone himself while Burton is taken into custody. Martin called Nathan one last time, apologizing for not being the father he should have been but will continue to watch over him. Bennett arrives with Karen, and says she has arranged for Nathan to live with her until he decides what to pursue in his life. As the movie ends, Nathan and Karen go on a long-awaited date in the empty ballpark.

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